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Posts posted by rachel_dault

  1. <p>When you were first building your portfolio/business did you offer free sessions? What were your beginning prices and more importantly, what kind of packages did you offer? Were photos and digital copies all lumped in with the session fee, or did you piece it out? Did you have clients pay for the session in advance, at the time of the session, or when they got their photos?<br /><br />I've been doing some free sessions for friends and family, and feel like I'm portfolio is starting to look well rounded enough that I need to stop offering them for free. The problem is, I don't know what kind of packages to offer. I had been giving my friends all their pictures on a disc, but I obviously don't want to keep that up.</p>
  2. <p>Thanks for your input. I've only been building my portfolio since December, and only taking photos on the weekends, so I think its probably okay that a real vision isn't evident yet. I'm still experimenting. I'm actually not doing any paying clients yet, but I'm starting to work with a makeup artist and some models (we're all helping each other to build our portfolios) so I thought I should have a website and business cards to pass out just in case they wanted to recommend me to anyone. It will get better!</p>
  3. <p>Was that a one time fee to have it designed for you, or do you pay them monthly to keep it up? I wouldn't mind paying for someone to initially design one for me, but I'd like to take it from there and manage it myself.</p>
  4. <p>I've been browsing lots of different pay and free website hosting sites and I can't make up my mind. I'd like to be able to choose the design and layout etc, but I know nothing about web coding, so I need something thats pretty straightforward and easy, but still capable of creating a beautiful site. <br /><br />What do you use for your website? What do you like or not like about it? Will you share a link so I can see it?</p>
  5. <p>Hi, I'm new to this forum, but I've been reading a lot of the posts and and it seems to be a fairly friendly crowd with no trolls, so I plan on coming here a lot! :)<br>

    I'm in the first stages of starting my photography business (building my portfolio, offering free sessions), and I was just wondering if anyone would be willing to share a copy of the model release form that they use?</p>

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