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Image Comments posted by bravo

  1. A beautiful evening at the gorge. Freshwater crocs can just be seen

    lurking, waiting for the evening flight of millions of bats to touch the water

    for a drink. 25 secs w/ Nisi 10 stop ND.

  2. Tony, good eye on the iso.....It was indeed a bummer, when I looked at the images that night.  Found that I had set the high iso for some early morning shots just before sunrise, and damn, forgot to set it as morning dawned !!!!!  Doh!!!!!   And while hiking all day, never "clicked" that I had such fast camera settings!!!   Ah well, live and learn.....thanks for your comments. 

    cheers, Adam




    It was funny, I was focusing on the rascal in the background when he/she was joined by the friend up front.  Click, click, click, and off we went!  Cheers, and thanks for viewing, Adam


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