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Posts posted by julius_valentinas

  1. <p>Hello, I need an (no mirror) electronic shutter camera, as far as I can find, the only one is Nikon 1 v2.<br>

    But nikon does not have any good working distance macro lenses for it. <br>

    Can I use olympus lens 60/2.8 macro made for OM-D E-M1 on Nikon 1 v2? What adapter I need. I like the lens because it's sharp, front element does not move.</p>


    If there is better camera/lens combo I'm all ears.<br>


    <p>Thank you.</p>

  2. <p>Oh and before somebody suggests to clean V750 myself:<br>

    The outgassing is also present on all optical surfaces like mirrors etc. inside the scanner on the optical path between image and CCD not just the glass surface that you can see it so easily. Because of this and the fact that mirror head assembly cannot be taken apart there is no point in cleaning, you have to replace the whole assembly with good one, built from right type of plastic that does not outgass.</p>

  3. <p>How can anyone still be considering V750 or V700, these are built in some china basement, with dust under glass and bad plastic (that outgasses). They should not even be called photo for same reason. If EPSON made them like it should have been done it's over. I have waited for a year for EPSON to wake up and start making it in quality controlled manner.<br>

    If you live in some country where a 800 Euros is lunch money, I do not.</p>

  4. <p>@Chris Strom<br>

    This is exactly why I have asked about the plustek 120 about the frames/autofocus.<br>

    mark druziak said:<br>

    "One is for film the other is for slides. However, you can scan unmounted slides in the 35mm film holder if you want. The design of the 35mm film holder is the same as the 120 holders. Each frame is supported on all four sides and the top frame is held in place magnetically."<br>

    "No autofocus. The holders are very rigid and robust. I forget the actual thickness of the frame but I think it is like 1/4". The optics are designed with a depth of focus to accomodate any variations in the film surface that isn't removed by the holder."<br>

    No autofocus - means you can't put film on modified holder with glass because it will not be in focus. So if plustek could not make frames to make 7600 scanner reliable, could they improved so much that MF120 is somehow different. After all it's frames are also plastic.</p>


  5. <p>I called the store so they would check other v750 scanners, all of them had same problems, but they noticed them when I told them how to look for them, the coated glass of v750 is very light absorbing and unless you shine a strong light at an angle you will not notice the fog.<br>

    <br />I should point out that it's impossible to not notice when you scan film because but if you did not know that the fog is the curlpit you would hard pressed with film holders adjusting etc, when infact the problem is the dirty glass and other optical components that make the heart of the device.</p>

  6. <p>Hello, I have ran just into the same problems as in this tread on<br>


    <br />My brand new V750 Pro has dust and fog under glass, and the problem is that optics, prisms, mirrors can't be cleaned without voiding warranty or I doubt that they are cleanable at all, because they are not serviceable I was told by EPSON, they simply replace them.<br>

    So it means even if I send my scanner for service it will fog again in 3-4 months of use and I have to keep sending it in for repair numeroud times until my warranty runs out ! That is not acceptable for any quality level certainly not for a professional scanner.<br>

    The hardware specs seem fine, but the scanners are assembled in a basement somewhere in china, I can't imagine why it should be otherwise if filtering visible dust is as easy as getting air purifyer even if you assemble them in a basement.</p>


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