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Image Comments posted by jasonwolonick



    for some reason i had the urge to see this same photo, but set the two tire images on the same plane at 0*, hugging the center bottom of the photo.



    what a clever photographer you are, gianluigi. at first i thought the subject was the text, but upon closer inspection, the entire photograph is composed to project the image of the reflection of the architecture in the background. congrats.



    kudos mario, this is really good. i appreciate your choice of balance between the textured surface and the smooth, single colored surface. it really adds up for me.



    kudos on taking a step out of the ordinary. to be honest, i am unable to find the meaning of this piece. the composition alone is not enough to feed my eyes. what is the angle of the buidling doing? what is the positioning of the subject doing? what is that orange light doing? to accomplish a photo like this, i think a VERY STRICT accordance to composition is essential. i would have made sure that EVERY SINGLE VARIABLE was working together for YOUR ART. then again, i may likely just be missing it.

    falls splendor


    richard, this is fantastic. you have done what few photographers can do- create a LUSH and ornate image without overbearing the viewer. my only problem with it is the strip of clound. to me, the introduction of this line doesn't seem to jive with the rest of the work. 

    but then again, if i had taken this photo, i would have flipped the whole photo vertically to the left (looks like a tree! clever, right?). so take my opinion with a grain of salt.



    it is very interesting to consider the implications of adjusting the position of the subjects within the frame. you have created an image with highly customizable output. kudos.



    what an absolutely interesting picture, kudos. if i were to replicate this lovely photo, i would set the exact same image, but take from a very unique angle. may help to emphasize the tones that i see present in the photo.



    I am a little confused about the implementation of softness. Upon seeing the macro of this image, I had been expecting a more sharp, gritty photograph. To each his own, I suppose.



    reader's warning- i am an undergrad college photographer

    this is such a wonderfully moving example of the use of limited variables. kudos. also, great job with the color. it gives the twig(?) just a little pop, and helps it emphasize the solitary tones.

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