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Image Comments posted by nathanphilps

  1. This shot was taken in Goldstream Provincial Park, just north of

    Victoria BC. I exposed off the sky, and recovered as much detail as I

    wanted in LR in regards to shadows and contrast in the trees. I did a

    very subtle vignetting to further direct the viewer to the center of

    the photo. I had fun working on this photo. Cheers :)



  2. Photographed this morning at 8am from Beacon Hill Park, Victoria BC.

    Overlooking the Pacific Ocean and the Olympic Mountain range, this 8

    shot Panorama was stitched together in PTGUI and processed in LR4.

    This photo seems to have darkened up a bit when compared to the

    original on my Mac. Any suggestions for improvement are appreciated.




  3. Great looking photo. Lots of detail, especially in the clouds.  This isn't so much a critique as perhaps more a suggestion...you might try a subtle vignetting in the corners to better direct  the viewers attention to the center of the photo.  It really is a stunning shot though :) Well done!

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