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Posts posted by tyler_t.

  1. <p>I did do it with FARE disabled, same results. I don't have access to the scanner right now, so I will try it on more images. Is it possible it could be a developing issue? The photos affected seem to share the same quality with the other images in the roll, though in varying degrees. I had these developed at the local Motophoto.<br>

    I read <a href="http://www.guidetofilmphotography.com/film-development-problems.html">here</a> that cloudy marks means it is possible it wasn't fixed long enough or the fixer wasn't strong enough. I know this is color film as opposed to B/W, but I can't imagine that would make a difference. A lady at another local photo shop said the negatives look "milky," which <a href="/black-and-white-photo-film-processing-forum/00CmKY">apparently can also be attributed to insufficient fixing.</a> (This thread is also about B/W film.)</p>

  2. <p>Not every scan turns out like this, but a few of them have this distracting cloudiness (image 1, sunpak flash used) accompanied by white specks which would be no good when printing. I'd like to think it is because they are slightly underexposed, but in other dark scans there is no cloudiness (image 2, flashlight used to illuminate).</p>

    <p>Scans from Canoscan 9000f, using included scanning software (which is pretty good), all settings turned off (since they didn't make a difference) except dust correction on the lowest setting.</p>

    <p>Any ideas?</p>

    <p>EDIT: white specks disappeared with dust correction on highest level, but still cloudy.</p>

    <p><img src="http://i.imgur.com/gItD9pT.jpg" alt="" width="1136" height="757" /></p>

    <p><img src="http://i.imgur.com/P2mQHpc.jpg" alt="" width="1130" height="760" /></p>

  3. <p>Well, the body and lens came from Montana and Philadelphia respectively, although that is stretching it. I did try and cleaning both contacts with rubbing alcohol and a cleaning cloth, as recommended by multiple google results, to no avail.<br>

    I definitely will try putting another lens on there, once I get the chance.</p>

  4. <p>I just bought a Canon EOS 3 (w/ PB-E2 grip) and EF 28-105 USM lens on ebay, supposedly in perfect working order. I am receiving a 'bc' error every time I press the shutter release button, and it only goes away when I press it again. During the error, the mirror is locked up. <br>

    However, once I remove the lens, the shutter fires just fine. Also, (lens attached) in Av mode, the aperture cannot be modified (stuck at '00'), and will not autofocus whatsoever. <br>

    I've been researching possible causes to the 'bc' error for the EOS 3 (excluding batteries, mine are new). Found this page: <a href="http://eosdoc.com/manuals/?q=BCerror">http://eosdoc.com/manuals/?q=BCerror</a>, user named 'James' seems to have identified a very similar problem, but it involves removing the front cover of the body, which I am hesitant to do.<br>

    I want to say the lens is my problem, since it seems to function well without it, but am curious to what you guys think the problem might be.<br>


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