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Posts posted by salman_akhtar1

  1. I have asked the same question on several different forums with no respose. Hope somebody can answer this. Is it possible to use an alternate lens with my REFLECTA AF-M slide projector? It comes with a good 90/2.5 lens, but I would prefer somethying wider. Any help would be appreciated. e.g., is there a standard mount across projectors?
  2. I own a Pentax IQ 928. I love it except for two gripes; it lacks a

    flash output reduction at close focus distances (which for instance

    the Minolta FZE 28-70 has) and so it tends to burn-out subjects close-

    up. Note that this is a real problem as you would probably always

    have ISO 400 or so film in it (to offset the lens speed). The other

    thing is the lack of an auto speed below 1/3 sec. It has an

    absolutely fantastic control layout and is beautifully built. I

    recently used my Aunt's 928M. I was absolutely amazed by the size

    (same as my Yashica T-4) as well as how absolutely QUIET it's

    operation is (compared to anything P&S I have ever used). Though a

    stop slower, and it has a Passive rather than Active AF, it retains

    the great control layout and has a great size so I would suggest you

    look at it. (It also has auto speeds down to ~3 sec). I have seen the

    Rollei and it has the most confusing controls and is pretty large.

    You should also consider the Oly Stylus 80W (28-80) which is also

    weatherproof and has spot metering and the just released Canon Z90W,

    which should also be great.

  3. From the picture, it appears to have a white AF assist beam in place

    of the excellent near-IR beam on the 5 and 50. If that is so, it is a

    step backwards. If there are 4 buttons on the back (a la Nikon F100,

    F5) then I hope it still has the rear command dial?

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