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Posts posted by david_zamorski

  1. <p>Wow - so many years after this topic is still valid. I registered to phono.net just to provide the quickest (I hope) solution for this annoying problem. Indeed it is related to the fact that Nikon Scan saves the last position of tool palette. It does it exactly in the system registry. To fix it just open regedit.exe and search for a string: CoolPaletteStates which is under HKEY_USERS\<some looong ID here>\Software\Nikon\Nikon Scan Source\4.0\General. You can rename or just remove the CoolPaletteStates property. After that you will loose all saved configuration of your ToolPalette (including position), but you will not have to create another system user or reinstall the program. Hope that help. <br>


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