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Posts posted by ioana_regis

  1. <p>Hello Martin,<br>

    Pleasant looking website and awesome photos. Just some small remarks from an amateur designer and photographer I may call myself.<br>

    The grey nuance in the website's background blunts the contrast; in my opinion, the classical black would be far more elegant and classy, and you need that note as a wedding photographer. Also, try replacing the orange outline with some transparent tabs and no line, as it would look slightly more "modern". The social sharing buttons (Google + and Twitter) fly from left to right as you enter a tab and I don't think this is an intentional effect. <br>

    As for the contact form, it would be more useful for your time management if you ask more specific questions. I suggest you include at least a dropdown list called "Topic" - with options such as Quote request, venue reservation, website inquiries, other. This way a primary conversation with the person has already taken place when they submit the form. A friend of mine, owner of a photo studio, has put such detailed forms on her webpage (done with 123ContactForm) and is speeding up her sales this way.<br>

    One more question: why don't you give some more details to the photos, e.g. location taken, beside the numbers?<br>

    To sum things up, promising project. Good luck!</p>

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