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Posts posted by a_tang1

  1. Do many of you still shoot film? I've been using digital now for

    years but I've just recently sold my Nikon F3hp to a guy and I'm

    now thinking of dusting off one of my old film slrs and shooting

    some film. Used to shoot Kodak tri-x but was thinking of one of

    the c41 films like Ilford etc.

  2. <p>I had exactly the same dilemma, still have my D7000 too. I tried both cameras with the 50mmF1.8 in the store and decided on the D800. I chose it for the better viewfinder, autofocus and general 'feel' though the D610 is still a fantastic camera. I knew if i'd bought the D610 after a while i'd be wishing I went for the D800....</p>
  3. <p>I've just received my D800 today, i'll get out with it this weekend to try it out. I plan to use my prime lenses which are 24mm F2.8D, 50mm F1.8G and 85mm F1.8D to start but I was wondering if anyone has used older lenses? I have a couple of AIS nikkors in mint condition but have read reviews saying the D800 is unforgiving on older lenses. I also have a sigma 28-70 F2.8ex which gave excellent results with my F100 so was going to try it too.</p>
  4. <p>I thought the same thing Donna, I've handled both the D600 and D800 and prefer the D800s viewfinder and build quality. I currently have the D7000 too and the only reason I was looking to upgrade was to get the use of my wide angle nikkor lenses and my 28-70 F2.8. My D7000 is still such a good camera and produces fantastic quality images so I decided to keep it a while longer and wait for the prices to drop next year.</p>
  5. Hi. I currently have a ND16 filter and want to try long exposure day photography. Most of the photos lve seen are taken using a ND 400 so I was wondering

    whether I should get a ND8 and use them together effectively making a 12 stop filter or just purchase a Nd400? What would be the best option? Thanks

  6. <p>Looking for a high quality ND filter, saw one on E**y which can adjust from x2 to x400! Had anyone used these before? Would I be better going for an established brand etc. An x8 is all I need.</p>
  7. <p>I recently replaced my D80 for a D7000 as i wanted to continue using my Ais lenses etc. Fantastic camera, ISO performance is so much better. I agree with Rick.M the D7100 with those lenses and flash should be all you need.</p>
  8. <p>Hi, I've just ordered an X-10 from Amazon and was wondering if it'll have the upgraded sensor? There used to be a problem with 'white orbs' in the highlights and i'm hoping mine won't have them. Taking it to Hong kong with me because i want to travel light, leaving my D7000 at home.</p>


    <p>Think I'll stick with the D7000 for the time being. I've just purchased the 35mm F1.8 to go with my 18-70 and 55-200. I'm sure i haven't even seen the potential images this combo is capable of.</p>


    <p>Handled a D600 yesterday with 50mm F1.4. After just buying a D7000 two months ago i'm thinking maybe i should have waited! :( Very bright viewfinder, feels solid enough to take a few knocks too. Think it'll be very popular.</p>
  9. <p>Hi, Going away with the family for 5 days break. It's 'Family time' and i'll obviously be taking a camera for snaps etc but where we are there'll be beautiful scenery and lots of people for street/candid stuff. I'll Definately take my D7000 with 18-70 and 55-200 but would like to bring one of my old film cameras, here's what i have. . . . .<br>

    Nikon F3hp, Fm2n, F100, F80, Pentax Me super+ 50mm lens<br>

    24mm F2.8 AFD,35mm F2 AIS,50mm F1.8 AIS,85mm F1.8 AFD, 105mm F2.8 AFD, 18-35mm F3.5 AFD and 28-70 F2.8 zoom. I also have a Leica M6 with 50mm F2 summicron too and my wife hasn't left me yet lol!<br>

    What would you guys take? I was thinking of the Fm2 with the 35mm just cos it's light. I still love using my older stuff. . . .</p>

  10. <p>Has anyone ever used this combination? My friend has lent me his old 50mm lens from his Nikon Fe which is in perfect condition. He uses Canon Dslrs now but says it would be interesting to see the results of the older lenses with a modern Dslr.</p>
  11. <p>Just ordered the D7000 to replace my ageing D80. Is there a big difference in picture quality? I've got great A4 size prints from my D80. Also looking forward to using my older Ais lenses too :)</p>
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