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Posts posted by robert_mock

  1. <p>Have to comment. I did as some have suggested...went to local camera store. I had ordered the D800 from Adorama on Feb. 27 and only got e mails explaining that it was still on back order. Tues of this week I cancelled that order and went locally. I was told that I would be number 8 on the current waiting list. They receive a shipment about once a week of 10 to 15 cameras. Today, Thursday, I received an e mail that it was ready to ship, just two days after my order. I called and asked them to hold the camera there and I went and picked it up. So, it appears that the big camera supply houses have long pre order lists and the small and local camera stores have these cameras available or a very short wait. The demand is currently at the big places. Good luck on getting yours.</p>
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