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Posts posted by brian_beecroft

  1. <p>Hi all.</p>

    <p>Joe has some good points, think carefully before you spend your money with large corporate education companies. Quite often you just get a lot of PDFs and little constructive feedbacks and this makes for a very expensive online book.</p>

    <p>As an educator I truly believe that a well designed course will aid learning, I think this is common sense. The problem is a lot of large companies are just looking to make money and have no passion in teaching or the subject.</p>

    <p>If you are looking to turn pro, business advice is also very important.</p>

    <p>The companies you have mention I do have some experience with, mainly through my students. I don't want to say too much about this, but please think carefully.</p>

    <p>I hope this helps<br>

  2. <p>"I really want to become a photographer."<br>

    <br /><br>

    1. You own a camera, so you are already a photographer. What you want is to be a good photographer.<br>

    2. You don't need any course or qualification to be a pro photographer, you just need someone to pay you for your services.<br>

    3. Attitude and a strong portfolio will make all the difference.<br>

    <br /><br>

    John makes some good points.<br>

    <br /><br>

    Training can certainly help, and speed up your learning process. The key for your progress is like others have said is taking photographs, get out there and start shooting. The beauty about having a course with you, either online or classroom based is that it will give you structure to your photo shoots. You will be learning the right things at the right time. <br>

    <br /><br>

    All skills, not just photographic skills are built up in layers. We all learn to walk before we can run.</p>

    <p>I hope this helps

  3. <p>Online courses can certainly work, but like it has been stated you do need to be dedicated. The completion rate is lower than classroom courses, but for some people this option is not suitable for their life style or personal situation.</p>

    <p>There are a lot of teaching companies out there, so be aware that a lot are just after your money and all you are buying is an online book with a limited support. Sometimes this support is from other students. </p>

    <p>The benefits of an online photography course is that you can learn at your own pace and in your own time.</p>

    <p>I would advise you look for a company that offers a lot of support, that are easy to contact. Having a big name behind a company doesn't guarantee that they will be teaching you. Normally they haven't even written the course materials. More importantly, as it has already been mentioned they're not teachers, and don't know how to successfully guide and support students. Always look for feedback from current or past students. Make sure these are really students and not people that work for the company, as I have seenthis happen in the past. An open Facebook page is always worth looking for.</p>

    <p>I hope this helps</p>

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