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Image Comments posted by griffis



    I bracketed this shot and there are 3 others just like this one only

    with more or less exposure. For the sake of communication lets call

    the darkest version "1" and the brightest version "4". That means

    that this photo is called "3" and the other one thats just a hair

    lighter is "2". I'm really curious which of these options people like

    the best.


    If you could be so kind as to look in my gallery at the other versions

    mentioned and let me know which you prefer I'd appreciate the feedback.


    Any other feedback is also greatly appreciated.

  1. I love this photo, excellent work.  If I had been there and took another shot I might have stooped down a foot or two closer to the ground and pointed the camera up a couple degrees, but then I'd lose some of the pattern of the sand dunes, so its a toss up.



    I'm not sure what the area to your right looks like but I think I would have tried composing this taking a few steps to the right to try to cut that building and the random post out and get more of those tall buildings i see on the left.

    Also I think maybe this would look nice with a couple stops less exposure, the important part is the sky/sunset/colors behind the buildings. Then you could flash fill the water/angled sculpture so it isnt overly dark.

    Valle de Pas


    I agree with the other poster about the clouds, softening the highlights just a little i think will help them from overpowering the rest of the photo.

    Also to me the green doesn't look totally accurate, it looks a little muted. i realize this was a cloudy day, and maybe it hadn't rained in a bit so maybe this is exactly as the greens looked when you took the photo.  On the other hand could be the white balance, some post work, the camera, the scan, the film etc depending what your using, I have no idea since its not listed on your equip.

    beautiful scene and nice composition.

    Saranac lake


    looks pretty natural, calm, soothing colors.  not over the top and i like that.  im curious whats with the section of water lower right, why there is a line there and why its so purple beyond the line.  is that from post work?

    I would be curious what a half stop more exposed looks like if you bracketed this, also i'd probably spot heal over that black, im guessing end of a tree branch, thats poking into the frame in the upper-left side of the photo.

    all in all these are very very minor points and quite likely this looks better than 1/2 stop more exposed. id put it on my wall.



    I had to fix the sky a little in post as i fudged up when i developed

    it a bit, (didn't put in enough chemicals so wasnt fully covered).


    Any comments on the shot itself or my photoshop work is greatly




    I double exposed this frame by mistake, after looking at it a bit it

    has grown on me, what do you think?


    Some minor post work done, just a small bit of adjustment with

    brightness contrast and saturation.



    It looks like something out of a tripped out scene of a movie or dream. I'm not sure I like it. But I'm pretty bias toward art that makes me feel calm, this one for whatever reason does not. Still, took some talent and you obviously are a skilled photographer so I can appreciate that.

  2. Another thing to keep in mind is although when you are standing there and look down at the shrub it may not look very dark, when you stare at the sky or whatever is in the center on the frame, and "look" at the shrub with your peripheral vision it probably will look a bit darker. Something I tend to forget about when thinking about what a scene looked like in person vs on camera.


    This is a wonderfully composed shot, I do agree to an extent with the other poster, it looks a little bright for a sunset photo, also most everything looks about the same brightness/contrast except for that clump of pines on the left. The HDR looks good, but I'm curious to see what a single frame looks like, or some different settings when making the hdr that has a touch more contrast.

  3. Beautiful. Has a wonderful real feeling. The focus, metering, and shutter speed all look great, I like that the waves are mostly frozen in time. Hard to analyze the focus too much as I'm sure the actual image is much bigger but as far as I can see, looks great. This has a very calm peaceful feeling. Thanks for sharing.



    Wonderful subject matter, lots to look at. I think because there isn't a cloud in the sky maybe tilting the camera down a few degrees or lowering the camera closer to the ground might make for an even more interesting photo. Great work though!

  4. This is very nice work, I would happily hang this on my wall and feel I could look at it over a long time without getting tired of it.  Sorry no constructive criticism at this time, I'm wondering though how far out did you set the focus? The focus is very well balanced, the dof for f14 looks fantastic.

  5. thanks guys for the feedback, definitely helpful, I see the point about swinging the camera to the left, im assuming you (Alf) mean staying in the same position just turning the camera a bit to the left, if I was to actually walk left much then I would miss out on most of the rock/flowers in the foreground.



    I really like this scene, the different textures in the foreground and the low clouds draw you further into the photo, it has a very real aesthetic and doesn't feel over the top like a lot of landscape photos do. I'm not sure if you have done any post work to it or not or if you used any filters, but if I was to change anything I might add just a touch of warmth to the yellow/tan in the foreground and up the saturation just the slightest bit; without doing either so much that it takes away from the real feeling this photo gives.

  6. If anyone would please care to comment, I'm fairly new here though I've

    used the forums for info gathering in the past. I realize this isn't exactly

    landscape, but I didn't really see a category that was better suited.

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