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Image Comments posted by garyreynolds



    Given that this was shot with a compact camera, you've done well to get in that close. Obviously a macro lens on a DSLR would have allowed  you to get in closer.

    In terms of composition, I would have considered cleaning away the blade of grass / twig that stretches across the top of the mushroom (from left to right) and also the dead twig immediately underneath the mushroom.

    You could have also considered a tighter crop on the mushroom.



    There are some wonderfully rich colours in this image and a DOF that really focuses the eye on that single flower. It's a shame that the petals on the right are cropped though.

  1. Very nice image. You have some great colours in the sky and I particularly love the way you've exposed purely for the sky leaving the foreground as a silhouette. Very well done!

  2. Hi there. Thanks for your comments. Yes, this was taken just after sunset. It was quite overcast all day, so I wasn't sure what kind of sky I was going to get.

    I would have really liked some brighter colours closer to the horizon, but I guess you've go to work with what nature provides!

  3. This image was taken at Westgate-on-sea, UK at dusk. It's an HDR

    composition of 3 brackets taken at +/- 2


    All constructive comments / criticism gratefully received.

    boston skyline


    I like the idea behind this image very much. For me, I would have liked to seen the grasses in perfect focus. The grasses on the right in particular don't really work for me, whereas those on the left are much sharper.



    I like the light shining through the green and blue / white / red sails of the boats in the foreground. I might have considered a much tighter crop on these, leaving out the other boats on the right and the bridge pillar.

  4. I like the exposure in this image. You have some good clarity in the sky and some lovely greens in the water.

    I think that the composition could have been improved slightly by taking a step or two to the right to open up the gap between the peninsula going out into the water and the left hand rock in the foreground.

    If I was being picky, I might also think that the rock on the right is perhaps a little bright with the light bouncing off it, but that's minor in my opinion.

    The Path


    Hi Jaime, I think this photo would have worked better if shot in portrait to give more depth to the path which is your focal point.



    I like this image. By choosing to use HDR you've captured good detail in the sky and have ended up with an all-round well-exposed image.

    Nice job!



    This is a nice shot, with some brilliant blue and greens in the ocean. For me, I would have preferred a lower shot closer to the lighthouse to bring the lighthouse more to the foreground and try to capture some of the horizon....but of course that may not have been possible.


    House Wren


    This is a nice image with good positioning of the wren within the frame. It would have been fantastic if the Wren's head wasn't in so much shadow, but nonetheless a good shot. 

    Well done.



    I'm not so sure about this image. I like the deep orange that you've captured in the dune on the left, but there are a few things that don't work for me:

    - The peaks of the dunes need tidying up - there are some marks there (either haze or leftover from a previous edit?) that detract from the image.

    - There's quite a lot of uninteresting foreground. Moving closer to the dunes might have yielded a better image.

    A shot at dusk or sunrise (if possible) would also have added a lot of interest.



    Very nice - I like this image. The sky is really interesting with that orange hue and you've captured the waves beautifully. I also find the foreground really interesting.

    Well done.



    Personally, I would have considered altering the composition of this shot. The rock / mountain is the focal point as far as I'm concerned, so I would have considered moving closer to bring the tree that is currently in the centre into the foreground (probably offset to the left) and then focused on the rock / mountain.

    Shooting at dusk would have added a lot to this image (although granted waiting around isn't always possible).



    I'm not sure about the composition of this image. For me, the mother goose either has to be fully in the frame and in focus, or not in the frame at all. The mother goose is so dominating that her presence detracts from the gosling.

  5. Very nice. You've captured amazing detail in the Damselfly here. I'm in two minds regarding the DOF. On the one hand the out of focus leaves on the right draw the eye to the fly on the left. On the other hand, a complete, in-focus leaf might also have been nice.

    Regardless, this is a really good shot. Well done.

    Smooth Newt


    I like this image - particularly the way you've defined the DOF so that only the head is in focus. I do find the green leaf a bit of a distraction though (although solving that problem in camera might have been impossible)

    GEESE 11


    For me, this image is too tightly cropped. It would have been nice to get all of the mother goose in the shot and with some space to spare.

    I like the way you have got down really low for this shot.



    Yup, like this. It's unusual and shows a good degree of creativity. Really well done. How did you achieve the effects?

  6. I really like this image - well done.

    If I was being picky I would have darkened the brightest areas of the photo just a tad (either through exposure compensation or photoshop). For me, it's just a shade too bright - but as I said, that's me being picky - really good work. Looks like this image really captures what it must have been like to be there in person.

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