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Image Comments posted by atila_van_den_eynde

    A night out


    Thank you.

    I came around the corner and saw this couple approaching. At first sight, I thought they were dancing but then I realized they both were pretty drunk :) and in some kind of argument.

    I didn't have time to look at the technical aspect of the photo since I was working in full manual mode so I just pressed the shutter. I think the weirdness of the photo contributes to the scene as I saw it so I’m pretty satisfied with the result.

    I still believe they had a great night out up until the end.




    We had to make portraits with invisibility as a theme. I chose to make

    a family portrait with me as the invisible link.

    Any comments are more then welcome. Thanks



    Beautiful piece of art! A most dramatic scene, you can feel how the farmer is struggling against industrialisation. It is only a matter of time before he will be forced to give up pushing forward.
    The composition, the framing and the color tonality gives this image so much power.

    Most impressive, thanks for sharing.



    This portrait was made for a school assignment.

    We had to choose one photo to make an "exact" copy in terms of

    lightning from a 100 photos. I had chosen a beautiful b&w from miss

    C. Blanchett by A. Gotts.


    I had alot of trouble to completly blend the black dress from my model

    into the background in camera and keep the skin exposed correctly so

    this has been done in post processing. I still wonder how they have

    done it in the original photo.


    Any comments are more then welcome. THX

    Fitz Roy massif


    Last December, on our trip to Patagonia we stayed 2 days in El

    Chalten. Upon entering this area the weather was so bad that you

    hardly could see any mountains . After a day of hiking through the

    weather and staying the night in the tent near Mount Fitz Roy , we

    were rewarded with one of the most beautiful sunrises I have ever

    experienced. The peaks you see in this picture are Aguja de la S,

    Aguja Saint-Exupery, Aguja Rafael Juárez.

    Hope you like it.



    Thank you Douglas for your comment. To answer your question, I did put a graduated filter over the sky to darken it up a bit and I also lowered the blues to give it a more dramatic look. I might have dropped the blue color a bit too much but its not really that noticeable on my screen and it definitely isn't on my print. Maybe other people could chime in and tell us what they think about the sky in this photo because i am not experienced enough to give a better answer then this. Regards





    I took this photo in Iceland when I was travelling through the country

    this summer and its one of the many waterfalls I photographed.


    So please tell me what you think? Thanks.

    Delicate arch


    Thanks for your comments guys.

    Larry, thank you for your time to alter my photo. I must admit that your version looks so much better then mine, especially the sky and I also like what you did to the arch it stands out more now. I'll try to get a similar result.

    Yes, Arches is a great park I just wish we had more time overthere. This photo is a great memory of a fantastic night, hope to get back there someday.




    This photo was taken on ilford sfx200 and a hoya R72 filter with my

    old minolta and processed with ilfotec.

    I'm missing alot of sharpness in this picture because it was shot

    handheld and should of used my tripod instead but this is the end

    result so tell me what you think please.


    Delicate arch


    Hi everyone! I'm completly new to this forum and was hoping that

    someone with an objective eye could review this photo I took at

    arches NP. I enjoy landscape photography and willing to learn as

    much as possible to improve my photos so any tips, comments and

    critiques are more then welcome.

    thank you

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