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Image Comments posted by melody_harris

  1. I am only just starting out in photography. I new that I should lighten the picture but wasn't sure how much would be too much. I do appreciate the input. I could haven gotten some pictures of just the falcon but I didn't want it stressed out any more than it was so the only time I could really get a picture was when the vet was looking at it. He has some head trama and needs to be kept quiet. Doing well so far. 

  2. thanks! I think I got really lucky with this one. The local pelicans usually bolt as soon as they see people. I saw this one on the edge of the lake and I made my boyfriend stop the car. I jumped out and snapped a few before he started to swim away then he just flew off to the other side of the lake. I was really lucky that it flew over the only "still" water on the lake. Sorry I'm new to photography so I am still pretty excited about this photo. Thanks for all the comments.

    little corellas


    thank you both for the information. I have had some of my friends say that I should crop my bird pictures tighter as well. I guess I like having a bit more background in my pics but I do see what you mean about a closer crop. Gives much more detail. I'll give it a try next time. 

  3. opps I meant to say "yes that is a corella- a long billed corella" I'm new to the site and didn't realize my picture would be posted above and it looked like I was saying my photo was of long billed corellas. Sorry.  

  4. This is a long billed corella :) some of your other pictures that you have labeled "cockatoo" are actually little corellas. Great shot. I just spent an afternoon in a park taking pics of some local little corellas. Lovely birds but as you mentioned they don't like you to get to close. 

  5. thank you for the information. I didn't even know what the rule of thirds was! I am reading about it on this forum now.  I really am new at photography. I just take pictures of things I find interesting. I will be taking a class in May though. Hopefully that will give me a lot of information. 

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