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Posts posted by srmenon

  1. Hi All,


    Recently acquired a Phase one P30+ with a Mamiya mount and AFDIII as I alternate between film and Digital. However, the kit I purchased did not come with a body cap for the phase one P30+.


    As you can imagine, I get the shudders every time I take the P30+ off and put it in my camera bag with the thought of scratching the IR filter. Any suggestions where I can get a body cap? I have looked at Ebay,KEH, Samys Camera, FM forums and Photrio and all the usual places.

  2. go see the no words section. lots of themes everyday n fun to see what everyone else posts.


    Yup, thanks for pointing that out Paul. I am specifically talking about Medium format. Plenty of places where I can see images but this forum was where I could follow work by specific photographers in my favorite medium so I am asking specifically about the monthly thread here.

  3. Hi all,


    I used to be a regular lurker in these forums who always enjoyed occasionally participated in the Monthly W/NW threads. I was away for a bit due to other concerns in life.


    Now having come back, I miss the monthly medium format W/NW threads. Any particular reason for them to be stopped? Have they moved elsewhere in the forum?

  4. <p>Good to be back after a while. <br>

    Mamiya 645 ProTL, Portra 400<br>

    <a href=" 000013 rel="nofollow"> <img src="https://c1.staticflickr.com/6/5611/31247405456_25431c5681_h.jpg" alt="" width="640" height="478" /></a></p>

    <p><a href=" 000004 rel="nofollow"> <img src="https://c5.staticflickr.com/6/5556/30462115284_fb4309d7c6_h.jpg" alt="" width="640" height="478" /></a></p>

    <p><a href=" 000008 rel="nofollow"> <img src="https://c1.staticflickr.com/6/5688/30916030400_d5ac060840_h.jpg" alt="" width="640" height="478" /></a></p>

    <p><a href=" 000009 rel="nofollow"> <img src="https://c6.staticflickr.com/6/5795/31168938741_8b004bc51a_h.jpg" alt="" width="640" height="478" /></a></p>

    <p><a href=" 000012 rel="nofollow"> <img src="https://c1.staticflickr.com/6/5764/30916036960_832633be97_h.jpg" alt="" width="640" height="478" /></a></p>

    <p><a href=" 000003 rel="nofollow"> <img src="https://c4.staticflickr.com/6/5585/31283931155_3c385a5c72_h.jpg" alt="" width="640" height="478" /></a></p>

    <p><a href=" 000008 rel="nofollow"> <img src="https://c4.staticflickr.com/6/5492/31168946691_174571b5fe_h.jpg" alt="" width="640" height="478" /></a></p>


  5. <p>Arthur,<br>

    <br />I havent sent it back yet. Waiting for the roads to clear up following a dizzying ride on the Polar Vortex. I did try it with fresh batteries out of two new packs.</p>


    Thank you for the suggestion. I shall explore this more.</p>

  6. <p>W T,<br>

    I will send it back for an exchange. I chose the Luna Pro over a more modern meter because I like the analog operation. I did look over some of the Sekonics and the Gossen Digiflash 2 but didnt really care for the construction on the Sekonics and the feature set on the digiflash.<br>

    <br />The little ziplock baggie that KEH sent the flash in said that the unit had been tested. But that might just have been an elementary Batt check. </p>

    <p>Thanks all for your inputs!</p>

  7. <p>Sorry, was at the office. just got back.<br /> David,Russ,<br /> Thered button was depressed. In the flash mode,the needle does move with the flash but does not come back to null when I move the dial to get the exposure.<br /> <br />Charles,<br /> Too late to catch the sun but the meter exhibits the same behavior with the diffuser dome as it does without. Moving the computer dial has no effect whatsoever on the meter.</p>

    <p> </p>

  8. <p>Charles,<br /> The meter is set to 400 ASA but I have tried it at various settings once I felt it was not working. The mode selector is set to "Ambient". The little red exposure correction flag is covered by the black tab. I take that this means there is no exposure compensation dialed in. The needle moves way past the green area to the very end of its range on the right.<br>

    The needle seems to be totally uncoupled from the dial. Is the needle supposed to move with the dial after you take the reading?<br>


    I did get the manual from the site when I purchased the meter. Very useful resource.</p>

  9. <p>I just acquired a Gossen LunaPro F from keh (EX rating, if I remember correctly). I used a standard Duracell 9V battery. when I perform the battery check, the needle moves to what I think is the furthest position on the right. This is past the green "BATT" field where it is supposed to rest in per the manual. When I take a reflected reading, the needle moves to a position , say 'under,2' and holds. So far so good, but when I try and move the dial to move the needle to "null" position, the needle refuses to move. The needle corresponds to the green zero mark on the left of the scale so I have not tampered with the zero adjustment screw.<br>

    Alkaline batteries may have higher or lower voltages than the rated 9 V depending on age and this might be causing the out of scale battery check reading. But if I understand the manual correctly, the needle is supposed to move with the dial. Is it a dud? Am I doing something wrong?</p>

  10. <p>Bogdan, <br /> Loved the first picture. generally the punchy look that Velvia 50 has does not excite me but it really works for that picture.<br>

    <br /> Chad,Ben,<br /> Nice pictures, Isnt Portra a wonderful film!<br>

    <br />Ludwig, <br /> The second picture is beautifully composed, first one is a little tonally flat for me.<br>

    Scott,<br /> Tmax is wonderful and the picture is breathtaking in its detail.<br>

    E. Short,<br>

    <br />Thank you for setting up this thread again..Slides can be frustrating but the rewards are amply demonstrated by your shots.<br>

    Here goes, better late than never,three pics from my recent trip to SF. Have not had the opportunity to color correct the pictures from the lab scanner. All of them are from my RZ67 Pro II with the 90mm lens. Sadly did'nt have room for my 65 mm</p>


    <p><a title="Union Square by Filmn00b, on Flickr" href=" Union Square src="http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7423/9917213474_8d7d268870_z.jpg" alt="Union Square" width="512" height="640" /></a></p>

    <strong>Union Square,Ektar 100</strong></center>

  11. <p>Ray, E. S,<br>

    Thank you for the kind words. The shop window in question is actually a video rental place attached to Ragtag Cinema, an arthouse theater in Columbia,MO. I have a few more interesting shots (what I can see from the negs) from there that I have not got around to scanning. Also, I have an upcoming trip to San Francisco that will yield some keepers I hope.</p>

  12. <p>Una mas, to make up for last month</p>

    <center><a title="Seth by Filmn00b, on Flickr" href=" Seth src="http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3765/9532605194_f14d729513_z.jpg" alt="Seth" width="640" height="512" /></a><br /> <strong>"Seth",RZ Pro II, 90 mm, Fomapan 400</strong></center>

    <p>On a side note, I use Flickr to host my images and hotlink the 640px "medium thumbnail" option from there. works like a charm</p>

  13. <p>Rajdeep,<br>

    I ran into the same wall when I was trying out long exposures on my RZ67 Pro II with a manual cable release. I found issues with getting the shutter to close in the 'T' mode after completing the exposure with the release. This may be an issue with my lens.The technique I found most useful is one that I read about on a LF forum called a Hat technique. All it is is that once you think that you have completed your exposure, you put the lens cap on and then manually release the 'T' latch. This the lens cap behaves like a closed shutter preventing light from entering the camera. <br>

    This technique allows you to forgo the cable release altogether by firing the shutter manually with the lens cap on in T' mode,taking the cap off, counting down your exposure and then putting the lens cap on to complete the exposure. The length of the exposure would indicate that the available light is too weak for the film to register any vibrations in the process of maneuvering the lens cap.<br>

    I believe that the name 'Hat technique' comes from LF photographers of yore who would use their hat in the field to perform longer exposures in place of a lens cap.</p>

  14. <p>I have a bunch of rolls that still are begging to be scanned, I will try and post soon.I've had a frustrating two weeks where I shot a lot but made basic errors and destroyed many a frame with lack of attention. Just taking a breather before I plunge in again.<br>

    Frank and Ben's efforts are remarkable in their similarity (Frank, was your shot using Provia as well?). This month is chock full of good entries (L Mar, Bogdan,E Short,Ludwig and Raymond). This is getting to the point where I wait with bated breath for this post every month. Keep up the good work!</p>

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