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Posts posted by pixelsthatrock

  1. <p>Hi there, my first post here :)</p>

    <p>I've just come back from a weekend in Havana 10 days ago, and had no problems with security issues. I used my iPhone, Canon S95, and Nikon D7000 (with a big lens and battery grip).</p>

    <p>I found it was quite useful to have the 3 at my disposal, especially the iPhone with the Pano app - great for those panoramic shots. And it's pretty safe to go off the beaten track, just be aware of your surroundings. The S95 is great for shooting from the hip, getting those unposed people shots.</p>

    <p>Useful tips: milk powder is a very good barter item, very expensive and rationed. Just check whether you're actually allowed to bring it in (foodstuffs). Also, use Euros to convert to the local CUCs, as the USD rate is very unattractive. You'll need CUC 25 when you depart Cuba at the airport.</p>

    <p>You'll find some really nice renovations going on, right next to completely wrecked buildings, so the contrast in crazy.</p>


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