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Posts posted by tilan_lele

  1. <p>Hi folks:<br>

    I realize that this discussion has been dead since Sept. 2009, but I need help and I'm sending out a SOS out there. Emboldened by the comments in this discussion, I opened up my Nikon Coolpix L3 following the dreaded "lens error". I took several photos believing that those, together with the ones on this page and in the links provided by some folks in the discussion (not forgeting my memory:( would be sufficient to enable me to put it back together, but alas, that hasn't happened yet. None of the photos show where and how one item, which to me looks like a grounding plate, is affixed to the camera/circuit board. The offending plate is shaped like an "L", with a screw hole in the longer and wider side of the L and a hump or bend on the shorter, narrower side. I'll try to include a picture if I can. Can anyone help? I've not yet started on the lens--I just wanted to be sure that I'd be able to put everything back together when I discovered my error. Of course now the pen and sticker plus notebook are my friends:)</p>


    <p> </p><div>00Zss3-434297584.jpg.ebd61dfebbabfd8024ee9547ecf11009.jpg</div>

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