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Image Comments posted by moscow_dosvedena



    Forgive me, you are right . I am not familiar with this style of hotel .I prefer luxury hotels but this seems cozy and the photo is lovely as well as the model.



    Remove the heavy set make-up .. she is going in the bath. Water would help and the clutter in the corner just a distraction. This is not very good photography its just a photo of a nice looking woman.



    I resent this photograph in some ways. Its as if we are made to believe by the photographer and the model that this is suppose to be natural and spontaneous? Yet there is no mirror?No woman blow dries her hair without one yet alone a nude model? Secondly the nozzle of the dryer is placed oh so conveniently at her nipple. I would more likely call this too staged than back stage.

    Tenisha #4


    Stephen,, the fact  is that the gesture  is offensive. If we are offended by it or not offended by it  however that is of personal taste, and that lies on each individual to decide and has little to do with the particular image at hand but on personal values and ethics and upbringing.... MOSCOW

    Green view


    Hello Stephen just to clearify .. i am very arrogant. Perhaps you are somewhat self-centred because i was not referring to you when i said some people.. if you hadnt of written before me my comment would have been the same. Directed at SOME people. Regards....MOSCOW

    Tenisha #4


    This is not offensive. its powerful and provocative and this one gesture means more than 1000 of lost words. The fingers behind the head from someone else ruins the photo and is to makes  it look like  the  subject has BUNNY EARS.. i embrace photos such as these.I find it strange how this is offensive however a nude woman with her legs spread open is cute?  all the best MOSCOW

    Green view


    I find it edgy and it takes a lot of nerve to put this up and i respect that.  Its not real its a photo and some people cant distinguish between the 2 and that is  a shame. Hate the watermark though



    Katie of course men have emotion most human beings do? lol.My point is accept the rating as is with grace . Respect that person because they dont owe you any explanation as you, requested the rating. You dont seem to need to ask for reasons behind why others are giving you 6s? Hence take it like a man... i give it a 1 as a ohoto as well. only because to me it is so artificial that it ceases to be a photo anymore and looks more like a drawing. Everyone is different... No offence.best regards....MOSCOW



    Katie,,, dont be hurt by the ratings. you have to be a man about it..lol

    Some people like to take photos of kittens and flowers other dont.


    A street


    I like this however i think that it needs more.. perhaps  more people .. it seems tight for me.. it needs to be opened up if this is making sense? thank you from


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