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Posts posted by simon_herbert

  1. <p>Thanks for the generous responses. Several of you asked what lens I've been using on the current D50 (my work camera). Its the kit lens 18-55, and for 85% of my architectural shots, this has worked well. I've been successful in making corrections in Photoshop (CS2), and believe I'd prefer to continue the PC aspect using this method - at least for now. I used a PC lens in the past on a Pentax film camera, but was less than satisfied with it. From an affordability point of view, I may be restricted to one lens to start off with, hence my query.</p>
  2. <p>I've been using Nikon's D50 for architectural subjects, and I'm considering upgrading to the D7000. Can anyone recommend a good compatible first lens for the D7000? To date, I've considered Nikkor's 16-65 mm lens (around $630), or the 18-105 (for around $400), and I'm looking for a good balance of performance and affordability. In the future, I'd like get the D5100 as my No.2/backup camera. Any suggestions for either camera or lens compatibility would be appreciated.</p>
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