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Rick Helmke

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Image Comments posted by Rick Helmke

    old man


    Compositionally the hand in front of the glass bothers me. It could come from anywhere. I'd have liked it better sharply focused but behind the glass. Otherwise I like it a lot.

    Rick H.

    Texas - 26


    I like it. I like it a lot. You've captured the person here and it's great. Nothing fake in the expression or anywhere else.  Ok now for the nitpicking. I'm sitting here wishing for more sharpness, more detail in the eyes, on the face and especially in the mustache. Maybe it is the screen I'm using or the size but I keep wanting more of the fine details. I like the way his hair drops out of focus behind his ears but just want more in the front of his face.


    Rick H.

    The shot


    This is exactly the kind of thing I enjoy most and probably what I do best. If it takes more than one try, so what? There is an element of luck involved no matter your frame rate, timing or other skill characteristics. This one was done well and I like it. If I were to change any thing about it I would have dropped the background even more out of focus and isolated the archer and arrow more.

    Rick H.

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