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Posts posted by mark_thomas17

  1. <p>Nevermind guys, I got it worked out. It was partly a meter setting that was playing with my head. I setup my Spyder Lenscal and the 24-105 seems to be tack sharp at 1.0. Also the 24-105 is much sharper then my Nifty Fifty 1.8.</p>

    <p>BTW, If ANYONE is thinking about upgrading from a 7D to a 5D M2, I say GO for it! This thing is a lot nicer and all my noise issues are gone now. Takes fantastic images at amazing resolution.</p>

  2. <p>Hey guys,</p>

    <p>I run a website and we are launching a new service soon. During the pre-launching phase I would like to make videos of my self discussing the service. I have a Nikon D7000.</p>

    <p>This will be done in my home. I have a good size living room. The backdrop setup is pretty self explanatory, it's the continuous lighting is what I know nothing about. Flash stuff however is different. I really want it to be lit well. I really like the beauty dish look but I'm not sure if that is the right choice. I'll probably be standing when speaking. Not a one time thing, I plan to use this setup for future videos. I have about a $800 budget but could probably do a little more if needed.</p>

    <p>Here's a look I'm sorta going after, nothing to do with the girl and focal length.<br>


    <p>Many thanks<br>


  3. <p>Thanks guys, for all the feedback. After carful consideration and sleeping over it for 2 nights, I've decided to go with a D7000 body and then buy some good glass I can transfer to a full frame body later. I've decided not to get the D700 now because rumor has it the D800 is around the corner with HD video.</p>

    <p>To my surprise, Costco had the D7000 and I got to try it out hands on. I love how the buttons work and how quickly it is to change the ISO. I totally fell in love with it and was ready to buy. But it was bundled with a flemsy 18-200 lens which increased the price by $800.</p>

    <p>It didn't look like the small LCD was backlit, other then that I like it.</p>

    <p>P.S. Harry, thanks for your great post.</p>

  4. <p>Thanks for the feedback. A quite overwelling response and deeply appreciate the advice.</p>

    <p>Could someone explain to me the difference between DX and FX. Also what is Nikons top of the line series lenses? Canon has their "L" lenses, how does Nikon refer to this for their better glass?</p>

  5. <p><a href="../photodb/user?user_id=519675">Noreen</a>, I wish that was the case but it's simply not true for me. The noise issues are burned in regardless of which lens was used. Everyone has different tolerations when it comes to IQ. The 7D is a great camera don't get me wrong. But it's simply not right for me. It's great for video and built like a tank, but I mainly shoot photos.<br>

    Arrgg, now this is a 7D discussion!</p>

  6. <p>Thanks for the response. The 7D has all kinds of noise issues. Any higher then ISO 200 and your IQ went to the cleaners. The 7D is a class act for unstable AF, you can google all that stuff. After reading many stories of users switching from a 7D to a D700 I realized it wasn't just me. Then I bought a $2200 70-200 L lens and had the same results. It was time to go.</p>

    <p>But back to Nikon</p>

    <p>Ok, so FX is Nikons high-end? And a DX lens will not fit on a FX camera and I will need to buy all FX if I get the D700 correct?</p>


  7. <p>For the record, I'm an inspiring photographer that wants good AF and sharp images.</p>

    <p>After being so mad at my Canon 7D and wanting to throw it at a brick wall, I'm switching to Nikon for MANY reasons. Low noise being just one of them. But this post is not about my switch.</p>

    <p>"Almost" settled on the D7000 because of the great video options. But after seeing 1000+ horror stories regarding the back focas issue it has totally scared me away.</p>

    <p>Originally I wanted the D700 because of the full frame sensor. But now I thinking I should SAVE the extra money and buy some good lenses.<br /> Do you think I should buy the D700 or buy the D300 and spend the extra on some good glass? I have about $4000 to spend at the moment and still need a flash too.</p>

  8. <p>I have a pretty good nack for taking photos and I am generally a social person (can be shy at times) but the thought of working with models or clients make me nervous. If I'm paying them I am fine, but if they are paying I get really anxious and feel a bunch of pressure.<br /> Around family and friends I don't have any problem. But when ever money is involoved I feel like I might screw everything up. This has almost made me an introvert for the last 10 years and prevents from from going out and having fun on sets. I have a lot of good ideas but I just feel stuck.<br /> Am I the only one? Any advice?</p>
  9. <blockquote>

    <p>So, even though the pop-up "flashes", the lighting in the image is only coming from the 580EX.</p>



    <p>I just didn't want the pop-up to end up being an un-wanted front fill at the subjects face if I have the 580 off to the side, especially If I'm going for a certain look. But yeah it probably wouldn't be that noticeable.</p>

  10. <blockquote>

    <p>You can stick a gel on the pop-up that blocks most/all of the visible light while still leaving enough IR energy to trigger the 580. Or you can just dial down the power so much that even though the pop-up fires, it makes no real difference to the lighting.</p>


    <p>I'm going to try this and see how it goes.</p>

    <p>I might just use my Yongnuo if all else fails. Just have to do manual.<br>


  11. <p>Is it just me?</p>

    <p>I was looking at an old Photography book I had remembering how impressed I was with the shots (only a couple years ago). Now everything looks so basic and cheesy, especially HDR stuff.</p>

    <p>It's almost as if we've been spoiled because we know how it's done. I look at shots now and I can reconstruct it so easily. The photos don't impress me anymore. What is impressive is the fact the Photographer hiked up a hill 2 miles to take the dang shot. Or froze their but off in 10 degree weather just to get a sun rise.</p>

    <p>What the heck is happening to me. What keeps you guys pumped up?</p>

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