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Posts posted by royal_majesty

  1. <p>Exposure Lock in Manual Mode is or would be VERY useful particularly in cameras with only one Command Dial (i.e. Canon T3i, Nikon D3100/D5100).</p>

    <p>I have a D5100 and don't believe ANY Nikon camera is, but all Canon cameras are, capable of performing Exposure Lock in Manual Mode. I WISH I could and I'll tell you why...</p>

    <p>Once you have metered to your desired exposure and dialed in your exposure settings in Manual Mode, say 1/500 @ f/8, you may feel like increasing depth of field to f/22. However, now you're going to ALSO have to adjust your shutter speed, in this case to 1/60. And you'll have to think about this as your meter may be diddling as light shines through trees, etc. and even more so if you're using a metering that's not at zero. This is particularly painful with single-dial cameras like my D5100 where an additional button must be pressed to access aperture adjustment.</p>

    <p>Now, if you could lock exposure value in Manual Mode to 1/500 @ f/8 (as per the example above) and decided to go with f/22 instead, you could just spin the dial until you see f/22 as the aperture figure. The shutter value will adjust accordingly and automatically to 1/60. VERY simple and VERY quick with NO possibility for human error(!).</p>

    <p>Frankly, it is quite amazing to me that Nikon has failed to grasp this very simple concept for SO SO long. It is as ridiculous as Nikon's other shortcoming with flash compensation limited to +1 stop. WHY? And also as totally ridiculous as being in Manual Mode with Auto ISO and not being able to use Exposure Compensation. Well, you can dial in EC, but you won't GET any. You can dial in -5 stops or +5 stops if you like but you will get what the camera considers to be zero. Totally ridiculous that you CAN'T set aperture, shutter speed and compensation with Auto ISO to get your desired result. Nikon REALLY needs to start waking up and firing a bunch of people in their design team(s)... These shortcomings, along with Nikon just getting destroyed in DSLR video by Canon is making me seriously consider selling off my extensive decades-long collection of Nikon cameras and lenses and making the move to Canon once and for all.</p>

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