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Image Comments posted by sml

  1. Grazie GianGiorgio, il tuo apprezzamento mi è molto gradito. Ho visto la tua galleria ed ammirato le tue foto: bellissime. Interessantissimo anche il tuo CV. Nei prossimi giorni avrò più tempo per vederle meglio. Ci possiamo sentire via email, la mia è Sig-fizzig@libero.it
  2. Your image really conveys the mood of an unknown world. Very captivating. Technically beautiful, with lots of texture in the sand grooves in the foreground. Excellent picture, really.

    Sciamanic dancer


    This picture was taken during "Mercantia" an annual gathering of

    street artists held in Certaldo, near Florence, Italy, July 2011. This

    girl was mimicking a sort of sciamanic rite by singing and gesturing

    with deep concentration.

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