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Posts posted by adlai_duran1

  1. <p>I would get a used 18-200 and a speedlight. Even a Vivitar 283 if that is all you can afford. Bring spare batteries for everything. Extra cards. Good luck. BTW, I shot a 3 day event with a 6mp d40, an 18-200 lens, a Vivitar 283 on a cord while using a white take-out menu as a bounce card. It doesn't compare to my present set up but it got the job done and the pics looked great IMHO. For weddings, a good flash beats expensive glass.</p>
  2. <p>Don't think of it as selling a print, think of it as <strong><em>marketing</em> <em>your services</em></strong>. I would ask the restaurant owner which image he liked, make a big Mpix print of it, slap it into an Ikea frame and stick a few business cards into his pocket. No digital files, no CD/DVD. I would think having a large piece in a restaurant that wedding couples use (whether it be in the main room or in the owner's office) would be the best marketing you could hope for and by giving him only a print, licensing fees (which he was never even going to consider anyway), are off the table.</p>
  3. <p>I still use my film cameras regularly. I envisioned carrying film and digital bodies and being able to switch between them without thinking about crop factors or having different viewfinder perspectives. I waited for the D3/D700 because I knew Nikon HAD to answer Canon's FF domination. I have a crop factor dSlr as well but I love that D700. The camera may not matter but a good camera makes image making a pleasure. FF is closer to my ideal in the 35mm camera format.</p>
  4. <p>I'm a little paranoid about the mount, too. I use mine regularly, and when I do I find myself double checking it here and there. I found it very loose once; the camera on the verge of falling and since then I make sure it's snug. No problems ever since.</p>
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