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zoeica images

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Posts posted by zoeica images

  1. I'm glad to hear Dennis made it out. Jeff was headed for Houston.


    Wonder if Jeff Fleetwood made it out okay.


    Worst part now is that we have 2 rival gangs which will now try to control parts of New Orleans. Putting them on buses together will cause more violence. All they do is kill each other so this disaster will not change that.

  2. We're in Alabama moving to Florida tomorrow. We got out Saturday night after midnight. I had just finished a wedding and saw how downtown hotels were closing up. Not a good sign. Packed up what we could in the car and drove to Alabama.


    There may still be some Leicaphiles in New Orleans. John F, Dennis C, Jeff Smith


    This is going to be months cleaning up.


    Photos at www.wwltv.com

  3. Hmmm, toes.... that's how you can shoot with Hexar AF's. One toe works all, just press down. Ohhhh so quiet.


    I had 2 Hexar AF's, both had to be sent back to Konica(Now Monica) twice with AF problems. Shame too cause I did like the camera, when it worked.


    Beat Dennis' crap T's anytime.

  4. I just started using Pictage 2 months ago. I now save allot of time when there is online ordering instead of me going to the lab and getting prints or enlargements. I just ordered my first Leathercraftsman 300 Album, I'm awaiting the results.


    Question for Peter - using Leica here myself, but Nikon with digital. Are you shooting with R or M camera? Looking at getting the R system soon because of the digital R back.

  5. Actually though it's a slower lens 3.5-4.5, the new lens for the D70 is a solid metal barrel, metal mount. This is not a cheap lens like the one you get with the Canon Rebel. Nikon will have a big problem making enough D70's.
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