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Posts posted by kelly_pollock

  1. <p>Yuri Arcurs, who was voted as one of the top most influential photographers of the decade by PDN magazine and has also been granted one of the highest sponsership agreements ever made by Profoto, Sweden, is now offering a handful of people the opportunity to train underneath him for 3 years - with their accommodation, food, travel and equipment expenses all paid.<br>

    This legendary man has built up a mass of knowledge and experience in the short 5 years that he has been in the industry. His company, Yuri Arcurs Productions, has rocketed to the top of the stock-selling charts and has recently opened a branch in Cape Town, South Africa. <br>

    Yuri now wants to turn his attentions to developing young minds, who hold massive potential for the stock industry but who do not have the education, the equipment or the opportunity to make it in the competitive business. He knows that there is hidden talent in the world that might not get to see the light of day if not nurtured and encouraged. With this in mind, Yuri decided to host 10-15 individuals who showed passion, dedication and heart for photography - to train them, provide for them and maximise their natural talents!<br>

    The participants will receive a 3 year long world class education. They will be equipped with all the necessary equipment after successfully passing a 2 week bootcamp in Cape Town in January - Canons, Nikons, Hasselblad SLR cameras, RED epic video cameras, Apple MACs, PhotoShop etc. They will travel with the YAP team all over the world - 6 months based in Cape Town, 3 months in Denmark and 3 months in other parts of the world - all travel expenses paid! Working with top models, clients, photographers and on real projects, they will still receive some pocket money for their work - funded by the very photographs they are taking!<br>

    NO photography experience is required. ALL they need to be able to attend the bootcamp in Cape Town is their own digital SLR camera (at least 10 mega pixels), a 50mm/85mm lens (no less than 2.0 aperture), a 16Gb memory card and of course, a clean criminal record ;) Yuri Arcurs Productions will also be providing 10 people with cameras, for those who do not have the necessary equipment. The bootcamp might possibly be recorded and produced as a reality television show!<br>

    Those interested should go to Yuri's website www.arcurs.com, his FaceBook page: http://www.facebook.com/yuriarcurs or email arcurs.productions1@gmail.com for more information. </p>

    <p> </p><div>00ZWEF-409661584.thumb.jpg.1a3c855938e43177817bab39c8198620.jpg</div>

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