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Image Comments posted by loreen_walker



    This is just beautiful! I've been attempting some b&w flower images lately, and have been quite disappointed with my results. I had almost decided that b&w was not suitable for flowers. Obviously, I was wrong, and simply need to keep trying! Thank you for the inspiration!

    Balkony Queen 3


    This is beautiful, Tamara! The lighting and post processing give it a very painterly feel. Great composition also. Wishing you all the best for the holidays! Regards, Loreen

    the unfurling


    This one has such a powerful composition! I love the way the earthy green stands out so sharply against the soft blue of the negative space. And the shapes created in the negative space are as interesting as those of the fern itself.

  1. Stunning! The lighting is just perfect. The shadowed rose colour in the foreground, just off centre, with the little lines curving toward it, draws the eye into that swirling, circular motion. You're images are always so beautiful; your titles so apt.

    Shasta Daisy


    Thank you. Roger. I will leave it here in hopes that the photoshop people will give me some suggestions. My sister actually just bought Elements 10 for me for Christmas. I've never used photoshop, and have not yet even installed it. It will be interesting to see if it will allow me to add some pop to this image. I'm looking forward to the challenge.


    Little owl


    I really like this image! The brightness of the background creates a dramatic effect with the silhouette, and the strong green triangular shape of the grass both anchors the image and reminds us that it is not just a b/w photo.

    I'm not sure that I would have noticed the owl, except for the title which led me to search for it (as in a maze), further creating the joy of discovery when I did find him. Kind of an aesthetically pleasing "Where's Waldo" experience.

  2. I like the blurring of the focus in the f/g leaves. I think it makes the viewer's eye follow the light and detail in the m/g and behind the top leaf on the right, giving a quality of movement to the image.



    This is beautiful! I can't believe you still have Clematis growing in Toronto. Everything up north has turned brown and gray for the winter, and there is no snow here yet to brighten things up, and transform the earth into a fairy land.

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