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Posts posted by kevin_maurice


    <p ><a name="00ZiNe"></a><strong><a href="../photodb/user?user_id=635746">Shawn Mertz</a> <a href="../member-status-icons"></a>, Dec 09, 2011; 09:42 a.m.</strong></p>


    <p><strong>Your friend made the promise, they should keep their word. Adding sepia it only takes a few seconds, lighten darken usually not long either, why not do the work make the customer happy and keep both your reputations good.</strong><br>




  2. <p>I personally think that limiting the number of images in a package and charging for extra makes good business sense. Each image factors into revenue for the artist- either lost or gained through processing and other factors.<br>

    The short answer to the question is no, the bride was not being unreasonable. If I'm reading the thread correctly, it looks like it worked out for the positive for you and your wife. Congrats!</p>


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