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Posts posted by sharyn_c

  1. <p>Thanks Bob,</p>

    <p>I have used the Gary Fong once and I agree it is going to be dumped! Annoyed now because I was the 'forums' that led me to purchase it!</p>

    <p>I was at a wedding last night (keep your pants on everyone I was not the photographer) and I had more comments about that silly thing than anything. I ended up telling the women it was a 'wrinkle' remover which led to me taking endless photo's (which I will prob have to edit now with wrinkle removing!!)</p>

  2. <p>Thank you Stuart,</p>

    <p>The reason I was asking was so that I would have an extra body. I know that the 50mm is the only lens I have that is compatible with FX which is why I was asking about the 70-200 (which has also been mentioned lots on forums as being the 'best' lens to get) OR the 85 OR the 105 not all of them.</p>

    <p>I don't want to have a whole lot of equipment I just want an extra body and a lens to go with it and was asking which combo would be best. And I WILL be practicing with these before I go shooting a wedding on my own! </p>

    <p>I don't have access to hiring lenses where I live so I have to rely on advice from people before I go out and purchase (sometimes the advice from the salesman is not always the best!) That is why I asked the questions here :)</p>


  3. <p>Ok to clarify...</p>

    <p>By 'occasional' I did not mean once or twice a year situation. I simply meant not an every weekend thing (I did say I did not want it to be a full time thing) I work full time and simply put would not want to be working every weekend also.</p>

    <p>Thank you Nadine, as for the D90 yes I did mean as a back up or the D90 being a back up. I am not dying to spend money, I just wanted to be equipped with the tools I would need.</p>

    <p>I see now that asking questions on forums (this is my first time and probably last) may not be the way to go about it. People just make too many assumptions!</p>

    <p>Thanks anyway</p>

  4. <p>Thanks, but I asked for advice on what equipment to get, and the replies were: to get more knowledge! I would assume that by getting equipment and then learning how to use that equipment would give me knowledge.</p>

    <p>I don't see how I can get 'knowledge' from reading a whole lot of forums. Practice to me would seem to be the best way to learn, at least then you can see where you can improve.</p>

    <p>Further I did not say that I was going to get the gear and then run out and 'ruin' someone's wedding!</p>

    <p>It's kinda like saying I should become a carpenter without a hammer!!</p>

  5. <p>Hello,</p>

    <p>I am just new to this forum and have been researching the net for endless hours trying to decide what to do!!<br /> I would like to build up my 'hobby' photography to something a little more than a hobby but not to the extreme where I would make it a full time business. Maybe just shoot the occasional wedding/paid event.</p>

    <p>My current equipment is:<br /> Nikon D90<br /> Nikon 18-105mm<br /> Nikon 50mm 1.8<br /> Tamron 17-50mm 2.8 VC<br /> Nikon SB700<br /> Gary Fong Lightsphere</p>

    <p>I am currently looking at buying either the Nikon D700 with the Nikon 70-200 VR or maybe staying DX and getting the Nikon D7000 which would allow me to get the 70-200 VRII. Or another option would be to get another D90 and the 70-200 VRII which would allow me to get something like 85mm 1.4 or 105mm.</p>

    <p>I would appreciate any suggestions in relation to adding equipment to my kit :)</p>

    <p>Thanks<br /> Sharyn</p>

    <p> </p>

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