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Image Comments posted by rwcphoto

  1. Thanks, Joseph.  We were en route from Laughlin to Flagstaff that morning, the sunrise and early morning skies were quite spectacular.   I stopped a couple of times to capture the scene, but missed some great possibilities due to lack of safe spots to pull over and being in a hurry to get to our destination!  Looking back I have no idea why we felt we had to rush!

    Winter morning


    Beautiful colour in a very nice composition.  Some vignetting of the sky, wondering if you added this.  A subtle spot just right of the pier, probably a spot on the filter, easily cloned.  

    I hope you walked carefully on that ice!  Thanks for sharing this, and best regards, RWC

  2. Beautiful light on the boats and red buoy.  Ethereal background mists and soft tones.  Lovely.  Excellent plus.  Kootenay Lake and Nelson are favourite places of mine.  Regards, RWC

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