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jon whitney

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Image Comments posted by jon whitney

    Night picnic


    I'd like to hear what people think of this photo especially considering the question I asked in my last critique request:

    "...I always feel a little ambivalent about pictures like this... I tend to think that a lot of shots like this are due as much to being in the right place at the right time as they are to do with the photographers skill. What elevates a landscape shot such as this beyond mere willingness to set an alarm clock and pushing a shutter button? I'm not saying I'm unhappy with this shot; I'm rather proud of it, but still... what do you say?"

    I pesonally think this picture is in a different class than the picture referenced in the above quote (viewable here)

    Any and all comments are welcome.



  1. Thanks for the comments Marc (and everyone else). Your comments get at the heart of why I was asking for a critique on this image. In a lot of ways I like this photo, in others I thnk it's pretty weak. After the morning I spent in the park shooting I was left thinking - ok, what's so worthy about what I've just done (from a photographic arts persective)? Pretty colors and such only carry an image so far. I'm looking for ways to make more out of shooting situations like the one I had last week when I took this picture. I'm attending a 10 month photography program this coming September; it should be an interesting ride to see how things change over the next year. I appreciate your feedback.



  2. I'd be interested in hearing any thoughts on this picture. While I love the

    colors and such, I always feel a little ambivalent about pictures like this... I

    tend to think that a lot of shots like this are due as much to being in the right

    place at the right time as they are to do with the photographers skill. What

    elevates a landscape shot such as this beyond mere willingness to set an

    alarm clock and pushing a shutter button? I'm not saying I'm unhappy with

    this shot; I'm rather proud of it, but still... what do you say?

    Dancing Girl


    I'm not sure why I like this picture; but I do. I've got to say that I'm mightily

    amused (and heartened) by all the comments regarding this POW.

    Technically, I would have liked to see this not on an IR film, but that's been

    said already. It's a good picture and yes, I would have liked a different crop,

    but I'm thinking that wasn't possible given what was left in the picture. Overall

    it's hard to fault this picture given that I find the image itself pretty appealing,

    though as I've already stated, I can't quite say why. Usually I can't stand grainy

    B&W images. This one overpowers my unreasonable bias and therefore it

    works quite well (IMHO).

  3. The photo is depicted at actual size. This is a Polaroid 4x5 print. I may re-scan the photo and re-post it a bit larger, though I'm not sure (I lost the original in a hard drive crash - ugh). The spottiness in the upper right hand corner is damage to the emulsion caused by the rough, ancient Polaroid back I'm using.
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