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jon whitney

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Posts posted by jon whitney

  1. I ran into this same problem today and found the answer. Essentially Lightroom is simply

    losing its connection to the original image file; to correct this problem you reset the path

    to the original file. <br />You do this in the following manner:<br />

    1. Switch to the Library module, grid view<br />

    2. In the left hand column look for the "Library" section - missing files will show up under

    a collection called "Missing files"; select this collection.<br />

    3. Look in the grid and notice that all the files in the "Missing files" collection exhibit a

    question mark in the grid display.<br />

    4. Right click (Option-click) on the question mark and one of the options presented is to

    find the missing file. <br />

    5. Select the find missing file option and follow the prompts to locate the file. <br />

    6. That's it. Once you do one file for a collection LR finds all the other missing files

    provided that all the missing files are in the same directory as the first missing file. <br /

    >If they

    are scattered around your computer, reset each path amnually following steps 1 - 5


    <br /><br />

    I hope this helps.


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