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Posts posted by richard_longford

  1. <p>I'm looking to get an SLR and decided a film slr would be the right option as I have limited budget and the way the camera deals with HDR and low light conditions is important to me. My experience with photography is limited, but I'm willing to play around. I've tried to do my own research into what I feel I want out of the camera, but have reached the part where extensive knowledge I don't yet possess would be really useful!<br>

    I plan to use it as mainly for slightly arty shots, probably with a wide angle and a relatively fast 50mm prime. Hence I think it's important for it to have good manual focus options (with metering) and DOF preview. I also plan to take it abroad, without access to batteries for extended periods, so it needs to be able to have either very low battery drain or be able to run entirely mechanically. Being compact and durable would also be a bonus.<br>

    AF probably isn't high on my list of priorities, but it seems silly for me not to consider cameras with it, as the range is far larger. I was considering a rangefinder, but looking at prices and it being fixed lens I don't think that's what I need especially being so inexperienced.<br>

    In summary a budget slr that has good manual control (esp. DOF), can cope with low light and I won't have to worry about the batteries dying on me. <br>

    (Cameras so far considered are:<br>

    Pentax MX - Concerned about durability and light meter<br>

    Nikon n75 - batteries and compatability with manual lens (how much of an issue is this? can an AF lens be used as a manual?<br>

    Nikon FE fm etc. all appear to be a bit pricey here in the uk, loathe to look at minoltas due to age and lens compatability, but maybe I should be more open minded.)<br>

    Thanks a lot!</p>

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