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Image Comments posted by chachi_arcola


    Thoughtful composition. To my eye it looks like the lone figure has been burned in either digitally or in the wet darkroom. While there's obviously nothing wrong with that in principle, the result looks unnatural to me and, given the lighting, physically impossible. It's odd (and frankly interesting) to me that the central figure would be silhoutted while the background figures (of which there are many) show much detail. Maybe the opposite would have been more effective?

    Dance of light

    Well, I think it's neither, really. The Xpan uses two 35mm frames side by side to make its images, so while it isn't medium format in the sense that it uses 120 film, the negs are twice the size of 35mm.
  1. This is an excellent image. Wonderful light, pleasing composition. If I had any nits, it would be that the image lacks a focal point. On my monitor, the scan does not appear sharp, and the colors are excessively saturated for my taste. The portion of "blue" sky looks closer to purple on my monitor. Great shot, though.


    I really like your Africa portfolio. There are lots of shots in there that I like even better than this one. Did you really shoot it all with the 50mm lens? (must have gotten pretty close to those cheetas!).
  2. Nice shot. To my eye, the horizon looks very crooked, with the harbor sloping from right to left. I think the shot may have been more effective with a longer lens, maybe 200 or so, to make the sun look bigger and isolate the more interesting parts of the composition.

    Lake in Muurame

    I like the composition and the idea. I also got the feeling, though, that the foreground, in addition to being fairly uninteresting, is about 2/3 stop underexposed, or more.

    The Sentinel

    ...but I must agree with Ben that Doug Broussard's version presents a more compelling story. Stated most simply, the haze both apparently above and in the distance (as well as a medley of ugly-looking clouds in the background) detract from the image.
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