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Image Comments posted by racheld



    That looks like a very interesting place to see! Personally, I think you could increase the contrast just a smidge, and perhaps darken it a smidge also. Not much, because you don't want to lose the detail, but to me, I think doing the above mentioned things will bring out the colors in the image. Its such a glorious statue! Anyways, you may disagree, but that is simply what I think you could do to improve it!



    beautiful pic! Love the warm tones, and how the blues and reds in the stained glass pop! Personally, I would love to see the floor area a little brighter, but that is just me!

  1. I love it! I like how it feels balanced, and I love how the red scarf and pants really pop and draw attention to your subject. I think the little building in the back is an interesting co-subject (if that is a word!)



    I love this picture (skin tone looks ok to me), but have to agree, the contrast is a little low, and maybe this is just me, but it seems a little dark too....adjusting the contrast would most likely take care of that, though.

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