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Image Comments posted by newmurph



    I need help with finding a good white balance between suburban

    lighting (street lamps, distant cities) and lightning storms.

    Contrast, saturation, and overall "look" tips also appreciated. Will

    return favor.

  1. My area is wrought with light pollution. A lot of it is from Dulles

    Airport and surrounding communities and small cities. Since

    incandescent and fluorescent lights require their own white balances,

    I need to know how to properly white balance when lightning is added

    to the equation.


    My second concern is about contrast and color. Too saturated?

  2. One of our bushes turned red as winter set it. This effect, meant to

    look like the spiraling of a flower, is created by rotating the camera

    in one direction, while zooming in / out the lens in the opposite

    direction during a long exposure.

  3. All I had time for was 2 quick shots before this guy flew away, so

    aside from the obstructing branches and less than perfect positioning

    of the bird, what do you guys think? Is the color alright? The

    exposure? Should I crop a bit more? I think the photo looks almost

    like a painting, and I don't know why.



    What do you all think of the color, contrast, and lighting of this

    photo? I tried to get as much detail as possible in the shadows and

    dark areas while keeping the white and highlights from being blown

    out. I also tried to zoom in and crop to emphasize the detail in its

    mouth and eyes. What do you think?

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