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Posts posted by ray_mcgregor

  1. <p>Last fall I was on a photography workshop and I dropped my Canon DSLR in water as well. It was fresh water. I too tried a few things to dry it out but what eventually worked was opening up the camera, placing it on a cookie sheet and sticking it in the over on the lowest setting for about a minute and a half. Once I did this, I put a battery back in and it turned on. The camera seems to function properly until I put on a lens, then it gives me a sensor error. I keep hearing that I need to replace the camera too, but the way I see it, I can play and try to clean it all out because I have nothing to lose anyway. But, I have since upgraded to a new camera. I wish you good luck. Please, if anyone has made their camera function properly afterward, let me know. I would love to have my old camera as a back up for fishing trips.</p>
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