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Posts posted by kaz_tanaka

  1. <p>If money is an issue, then the step-up ring solution is a possibility. I have a bunch for my filters that I bought when I first got into this hobby, but now I find them impractical. First, it's a set of extra stuff you have to carry around. Then, your lens hood can't go on because the filter (being too big) gets in the way (not that I do that often because you can't rotate the filter once the hood is on, but the possibility is gone). It's also a lot of extra screwing on and off when you need to be focusing on your photography. Finally, your original lens cap won't fit unless you take off your filter. I just found them to be an impractical pain, that now I simply have separate filters for the few lenses that need them (the ones I take on nature trips).</p>

    <p>Also a CPLs polarize, whereas GNDs don't, and decent CPLs act only as very weak NDs.</p>

    <p>I also own the TS-E 24mm II along with some B+W MRC CPLs. The only CPL I don't have is the one for my TS-E, because I'd been waiting to get the new XS-Pro one for its super-slim design. I use Lee GND filters on a full-frame camera, so I want to keep the stuff stacked on my lens as thin as possible to avoid vignetting.</p>

    <p>One setup for me may be the XS-Pro with two Lee filter holders held together with a tandem adapter, so it does add up...</p>


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