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Posts posted by becky_emerick

  1. <p>Hi! I want to thank all of you for your excellent, well-thought out responses! I have so much information, I am thrilled!<br>

    I went ahead and installed lightroom 3. After a few youtube tutorials, I was up and running, and I can't believe I waited so long!<br>

    My next purchase will be a lens... but I'm still researching which one. I do have a question though. If I have a lens that's, say, 2.8, but I'm taking pics of an entire family and need more like a 7, is the 2.8 lens still better than a 4.5?</p>

  2. <p>Wow! I went to bed last night and woke up to a treasure of answers! I am so very thankful!</p>

    <p>You'd mentioned examples would be helpful. Here are a few photos, edited, from a recent shoot.<br>

    Shot from quite a distance with my 18-200.<br>

    <img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v280/indymom78/DSC_0924portrait.jpg" alt="" width="533" height="800" /><br>

    Shot with my 18-200.<br>

    <img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v280/indymom78/DSC_1012.jpg" alt="" width="532" height="800" /><br>

    Shot with my 50mm. (My favorite lens, but often not practical due to being so close.)<br>

    <img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v280/indymom78/DSC_1114.jpg" alt="" width="532" height="800" /></p>

    <p>For this next photo shoot, I just knew there had to be a way for me to get better pics! It was overcast, the snow was vibrant, and everything looked great. But even with the low aperture and playing w/ my external flash (Nikon Speedlight SB-800), I still was not satisfied with the quality of the pics.<br>

    <img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v280/indymom78/DSC_9475.jpg" alt="" width="531" height="799" /></p>

    <p>Here's one more from last fall that I'm no longer happy with:<br>

    <img src="https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/30974_389127302211_113933077211_4548175_210432_n.jpg" alt="" width="478" height="719" /></p>

    <p>You can see more examples from other shoots at my facebook page:<br>


    <p>Now, here are the results<em><strong> I would love to have instead</strong></em>. These are from my talent agent's website. I know from experience that for the outdoor shots, they are not using lighting or, even usually, flash for fill. But the colors are so vibrant and the pictures are incredibly sharp.</p>

    <p>Compare this one to my show shot.<br>


    And compare this one to my shot of the girl on the swing.<br>


    <p>I have more to say based on all the great posts, but I'll stop here and wait for a response.</p>


    <i>Links substituted for embedded photos. Please review photo.net <A HREF="http://www.photo.net/info/terms-of-use">Terms of Use</A> and <A HREF="http://www.photo.net/info/guidelines/">Community Guidelines</A>. Photo.net strives to respect copyrights, so please post only your own photos.</i>

  3. <p>I have had my D50 for years and years. I'm wondering what I should upgrade first - the body or the lens or the software.<br /> <br /> What I'm finding is that my pictures no longer look as sharp as other professionals I'm comparing myself to. Over the last few months, I've really started noticing the difference. Here's what I'm using:<br /> <br /> Nikon D50<br /> Tamron AF 18-200mm<br /> Nikon AF 50mm 1.8<br /> Photoshop<br /> <br /> My photography friends are saying I need to switch to a newer body, VR Lenses, Lightroom, and shooting in RAW instead of JPG. (I find RAW annoying to work with since I always have to change it to JPG anyway to give them to clients.) <br /> <br /> What should I do first?<br /> <br /> I have a part-time business, mostly families and children, but don't do enough of it to warrant spending a boat-load of money. I also take thousands of pics of my kids.<br /> <br /> Thanks in advance!</p>


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