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Image Comments posted by carolinalight

  1. Mike, thank you for the comments. Yes I agree a tripod is optimal but circumstances sometime prevent that. In this case my 600 was mounted and time between changing would have caused me to miss the shot. The focus was manual my 105 never goes into auto even though the exif sometimes records it that way because I didn't switch it on the body ( I sometime forget to do that when Im focused on the subject) The point of fucus was actually the eye which I may have missed because he was moving and I was at 1:1. The flash was used because the light was dark shadow and I wanted the colors to pop a bit but 1/60 was way to slow for f/22. Also being at f/22 assured some DoF due to having the lens @ 1:1 the only way to get more depth would have been to take the lens up to f/40 and Ive never been satisfied with the difration at that stop.


    Again thank you for your comments it does give me something to consider.

  2. This little green anola caught my eye during an outing to photograph gopher tortoises. He was just hanging out on the sign to the entrance of the state

    park in Barnwell, SC.


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