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Posts posted by zachi

  1. <p><img src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2444/4020231859_33fb230e41_o.png" alt="" width="204" height="426" /><br>

    I own an Epson 4490 PHOTO, and these are what my scans are looking like.<br>

    This is a black and white image of a house, or it should be, but these colors are showing up instead. The strangest part about them is that they are the exact same every time I go to scan, and are definitely NOT on the negative.<br>

    I am using the provided try, and the negs are not touching the glass.<br>

    I did clean the glass this morning with windex, however. Could that have done this? <br /> Is there a fix for it?</p>

    <p>Thanks to anyone with input!</p>

  2. My dollar cam has two view winders, one is the normal kind that you

    would look through, the other is similar to that of a TLR with the

    view screen placed on the top that you would look down into. When I

    use this one, I find that the actual picture is taken much lower than

    what the screen shows. But, this particular picture was taken by

    pressing the button with a stick, moving the camera, in turn cutting

    off our heads. I like the unexpected outcome even still.<br><br>

    <a href="http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/4214751-lg.jpg">

  3. BBCode is horrible.


    Not being able to edit/delete is fine as well, although I think that the idea posted above about being able to edit for about 15 min after is a happy medium for us all.<br>


    the only real problem with the software that I see is it is sort of slow in updating. Right when a topic has been answered to it should go directly to the top, in the topic section. I have seen it take up to an hour sometimes. And that is where the software comes into being "too old". It would also be nice to have each reply a varied color such as white and the next a 10% grey or something.

  4. Tested in firefox 1.07 and worked just fine. I like it much more than the old way, it is more efficient.<br>

    One thing I would like to see in a future version is perhaps a pull down menu allowing someone to place the photos in any folder they'd like.<br>

    When uploading multiple photos it would be nice to be able to select for each one where it will be sent.

  5. <i>what a fuss over a simple suggestion to make it easier to identify where a photographer comes from; oh well... cb</i>



    <br>I have had this same idea before, it would be great to have a feature like this. The idea of optionally getting on the list is also a good one because then that way all of these people who do not like the idea can opt out of using it at all.


    I just think it would be nice because sometimes I'd like to see photos of certain countries or places, and by searching for photographers in those countries, I would have a good chance to find a lot of photos from that place (given they are not travel photographers!)

  6. Thanks to everyone for the help I am sure it is going to turn out alright. I spent all of today shooting with it and should get my film back within the next few days. <br>


    Thank you Dean for the great website (that I assume is your own?), the article on the scuffed lens made me feel much better about my own which is not even half as bad! Oh and by the way, you've got some great photos there!

  7. <i><b>richard oleson Prolific Poster, jan 19, 2006; 07:42 p.m.</b>

    yeah, it looks like you've got something in your lens. kind of a neat effect, but probably not what you were after.....




    Haha, yeah I thought it was a cool effect as well! and even thought of just leaving it. But then I figured I have my Holga for all of that, it's time I got a <i>real</i> camera.<br><br>


    Well I am about to disassemble, thanks to everyone for the help so far, and I cannot assure you that I won't be needing any more!

  8. Thanks everyone for the websites and tips, it is all just what I needed. I have not taken anything apart yet, but I plan to within the next couple days when I get some real time to sit and do this. I will attach a couple photos taken with the camera, I think it looks more like fogging than light leaks, but Your opinions on what it is are encouraged.
  9. Hi<br>

    I bought a Yashica mat 124g a couple months ago, and have shot a few

    rolls with it. The first was very fogged up, so I went out and got

    some lens cleaners, and that helped a great deal, but the next rolls

    were still foggy.<br>

    Well I finally discovered that there is oil on the <i>inside</i> of

    the lens, I have searched around for some kind of chart or explanation

    as to how the lens can be taken out for cleaning but I always find

    people talking about it but not explaining how to. I do not see any

    sort of screws or bolts or anything to disassemble the camera.

    If anyone could please explain or show a picture of how to take off

    the lens it would be greatly appreciated.<br>



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