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Posts posted by george_cushman

  1. Good Day....


    Didn't Photo.Net used to have a feature allowing members to list their equipment, cameras & lenses & accessories, etc.?

    Is this still available on this site?

    Or can anyone recommend any sites or software downloads for this type of thing?


    Thanks In Advance!!!

  2. To Robert Lee or anyone else:


    You said in your response above:


    ".....Down sample in post using a Lancoz based filter to around 2000dpi. This should yield the smallest file size at the highest real resolution the scanner is capable of.....You'll want to feed the printer at least a 250dpi file. You will see sharper and more detailed prints up to about 400dpi. It's diminishing returns after this (although it doesn't hurt the print any.)....."


    How do I "down sample in post using a Lancoz based filter to around 2000dpi???" and what is meant by feeding "the printer a 250dpi file???" How do I do this???


    Thanks again for the replies!!!

    George Cushman

  3. Hi there... I'm quite new at scanning. I'm hoping that someone with more experience than I can offer advice on the

    best ways to scan 6x6 and 6x7 cm B&W negatives to allow me to print from 4x5 inch up to 11x14 inch. What would

    the optimum dpi for such sizes be? And once scanned, how should I save the files for best & sharpest printing on my

    Epson printer? I am using an Epson 4870 scanner and am using Epson Scan and PhotoShop Elements. Any

    tips/suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance for any help.

  4. Hi there...

    I'm quite new at scanning. I'm hoping that someone with more experience than I can offer advice on the best ways to

    scan 4x5 B&W negatives to allow me to print from 4x5 inch up to 11x14 inch. What would the optimum dpi for such

    sizes be? And once scanned, how should I save the files for best & sharpest printing on my Epson printer? I am

    using an Epson 4870 scanner and am using Epson Scan and PhotoShop Elements. Any tips/suggestions would be

    greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance for any help.

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