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Posts posted by nat_n

  1. <p>As a newbie to Leica, I also starting out with R4 and 50 cron. I figured out after reading various forums that buying into Leica is glass first and body second. I also can't tell the difference between R4 and Nikon FM (similar price range), but there's a HUGE difference between 50mm 1.4 AIS and 50mm cron - again, this is also debatable "to each his/her own".<br /> If you put all specs and whatever is written on the paper aside, just think about the tourist factor... which is easier to carry around? <br /> I sold my R4 and cron few months to fund M6/8 and will never ever want to get R body again.<br /> Are you not happy with your M2? Or are you looking to use "a Leica camera" with few other lenses?<br /> I agree that R4 plus three lens will probably be easier on the wallet than either a 50 or a 28 cron-M.</p>

    <p> </p>

  2. <p>Try Marty Camera in Forest Hills.<br /> I am pretty sure Marty can take a look and see if there's anything wrong with it. I had him adjust vertical and horizontal on my Bessa-R which 'Bay seller swore that it is working fine when he had it (blamed it on USPS for roughing it up).<br /> <br /> And it's true about Marty, my Bessa came back smelled like WD40. hehe.</p>

    <p> </p>

  3. <p>Hi Richard,<br /> I have decided to send it to NJ for a CLA. I just phoned them and was told that the following will be performed on m8...<br /> - sensor cleaning<br />- adjusting focus pane (eh?)<br />- dust removal<br />- vertical and horizontal adjustments <br /> The bad part about this is a four weeks+ turn around time :(<br /> I am going to get another lens which will never be removed from m8 ever again. :). I will post an update once they send it back. sigh.</p>
  4. <p>I just had it clean this morning and it was fine until I start shaking the camera. There are now spots all over top half of my pictures no matter which F Stop settings. <br>

    Could it be dust from shutter curtain (facing sensor)? Should I send it it or take it to different person?</p>

  5. <p>Hi,</p>

    <p>My m8 shows dark spots (at least 15+ dots) along the top of images when shooting at F22 on any lens that I owned. I don't see any dark spots/dots when shooting at slightly wider aperture.<br>

    Could it be dusty sensor or anything (gasp) worst than that?</p>

    <p>Please help!</p>

  6. <p>Thanks all!</p>

    <p>I loaded a test film and top left (where red dot is) rotates when advancing the film lever. I am wait for the Forty to come in tomorrow then will start testing.</p>

    <p>Jeff, when you had your R and R3A; do you remember if the film lever acted like what I described above?</p>

    <p>Thanks again for all your help!<br>


  7. <p>Thanks for reading my post. This is my first post here, but definitely been a lurker for over a year now.</p>

    <p>I just received a used R3A and have a question regarding its film lever. I will try my best to describe it.</p>

    <p>Let's compare film advance lever to a clock dial says... 9 to 3. When the lever advances, I can feel the winding tension/resistance from 9 to 2 and from 2 to 3 (no tension/resistance) that's when I can hear the 'click' for clocking the shutter and complete its cycle.</p>

    <p>Is this pretty normal? Bessa-R did not behave like this at all. Is it because of all electronic shutter and such?</p>

    <p>I have never seen anything like this before. Is this pretty serious? I have about 3 days to return it.</p>

    <p>Please help!<br>

    Thank you!</p>


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