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Image Comments posted by johnh

    Hula Dancer


    Got a little bored / curious. Desk lamp, hawaiian hula dancer girl

    and a D30... comments and critiques are very much appreciated.

    Don't have much experience with still life. oh, b&w conversion done

    in ps. thanks!!

    Making the turn


    My first time shooting waterskiing so I'm trying to get some

    feedback on composition, framing, etc. Shot with a Canon D30 and 70-

    200/2.8 from the boat. I appreciate all comments and criticisms!


    tropical bird


    This bird was actually in the hotel lobby of the hyatt in kauai...

    however i hope that this picture does not reflect that. I am happy

    the way this one turned out. Please let me know what you all

    think. Thank you!!





    using photoshop i adjusted the curves to represent the effect you get when developing e-6 (chromes) in a c-41 (print) process. colors are more saturated and it boosts contrast. it was a very popular thing to do in fashion photography in the 90's.



    I guess this would be more portrait than fashion, didn't really know what to classify it as.


    Unfortunately we had just come from a funeral and decided to go down to the beach afterwards. I think the mismatch of the suit and the water are a reason i like the photo. Thanks for the comments!





    I've never really dabbled in fashion photography, but I particularly

    liked this image. It was taken with a canon d30 and then digitally

    cross processed from e-6 to c-41. i'd appreciate any comments and

    criticisms as to why this is a good or bad fashion shot. thanks.



  1. looking at an image on the LCD screen and adjusting accordingly. I had been shooting him and his little sister with a flash, but then I noticed the softness of the light coming from the lamp. So i turned off my flash, opened up to f/1.8 and shot at what my in-camera meter (set on evaluative mode) told me. I find it to be pretty accurate in straight-forward lighting conditions. Unfortunately the D30 doesn't have a spot meter, but if it had I would have probably spot metered the boys face where it was light and then opened up 2/3 - 1 stop... same thing you were saying but I usually like metering areas lighter than medium gray (i have an easier time exposing for the highlights and it's the safest way to insure that they aren't blown out.)


    However, instant feedback (i.e. digital) is the best way to insure you get exactly what you want. I probably would have bracketed +2/3 and -2/3 had i been shooting chromes. Best wishes - hope this is of some help.

  2. What an excellent photograph! The colors are wonderful and the detail and dynamic range retained in the sky really make this image. Also way to keep the foreground to a minimum knowing that it would be underexposed. I love the gradation from orange to a deep blue.


    What more can I say... perfect.

    Daily Catch


    Any comments and criticisms would be greatly appreciated on this

    image. If you are so kind as to leave feedback, could you please

    let me know why you rated it what you did? That would be very

    helpful to both me and everyone else. Also, please feel free to

    look at and critique my other images posted. Thanks!

  3. Well unfortunately most of these shots were taken on a tour of europe this summer and we were constantly on the move. I didn't have the time to write down exposure details etc. All I know about this shot was that it was on velvia with an f100 and a 28-105 lens at around 28. aperature was probably around 5.6 if i had to make a guess. actually most of these were shot with the nikon 28-105/3.5-4.5 it was a great all purpose lens and let me spend what little time i had at each location shooting, not changing lenses.


    i am not good at keeping exposure details for my shots. for a lot of these, i spot meter something and compensate accordingly. for example, the picture of the boats - i spot metered a "pure" white part of a boat and opened up 2 1/3 stops and let everything else fall where it may. took one shot and it worked...


    thanks for all the comments. i'll do my best to keep track of exposure details in the future. oh yeah also exposure dates... all of the color ones were this past summer 2001. and to add another question to your questions, how do you get more views??




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