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Posts posted by echo_charlie

  1. <p>We retail film at our store (<a href="http://www.propix.in">http://www.propix.in</a>), and I personally still shoot film every so often, even though my daily go-to cameras are both Nikon full frame. The film that we move most, surprisingly, are various Ilford and Fujifilm black & white. We sell about hundred 35mm rolls and about 20 to 40 rolls of 120. All this, because a lot of our customers, ranging in the agegroup of 20 and 50 want to shoot film before it disappears. Most of them say the same thing, that there is "something" about the tonalities that digital is still not able to reproduce.<br>

    We get occassional film cameras for CLA, and most of them including the Leica and Zeiss show wear and scuffing from regular use.<br>

    The point I'm trying to make is that film is alive, right now, and well. Not the way it used to be, but still going strong. I think the internet also is helping keep it alive as more digital generation shooters switch to film to try it out and to experience the difference.<br>

    I persoanlly use film for some wedding pics and also when I am doing some architectural and industrial shoots.<br>

    For that time when film will no longer be available, I am stocking up film in the refrigerator. Lots of different film...:)</p>

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