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Posts posted by michael_hamann

  1. <p>Rob, thank God for your post. I have a d700 with the exact same darn problem. I have posted on a couple of sites and spoken to Nikon, but no one can figure it out.<br>

    For me, anything below 50mm e.g. 35mm requires exposure comp. The 35mm F2 requires between .3 and 1 depending on setting, while my Sigma 12-24mm at 12mm can require +3! I also used 28mm AIS and 20mm both which had the same results.<br>

    Please contact me through website to see what Nikon finds!<br>

    I love my D700 but have always been frusted with this issue.</p>


  2. <p>Roy,<br />I'm glad you brought this up... I posted something awhile back on this subject and everyone acted as if I were crazy.<br />I have a D700 and noticed the following:<br />With a Sigma 12-24mm I seem to get about 1 - 2, sometimes even 3 stop underexposure when indoors. Outdoors I get about -1/3 stop underexposed.<br />With a Manual Nikon 20mm AI and with a manual Nikon 28mm I get about the same results.<br />With a 35mm F/2D I am getting simliar, but not as bad underexposure.<br>

    I have tried Spot and Center Weighted metering on thes lens and sometimes the results are marginally better.<br />I understand that with a wide angle you may get a lot more variation of exposure and the metering will average out, causing some underex, but in even not that well lit sitautions the results are highly disappointing.<br />I'm not a pro - but I think have solid understanding of the basics and I am beginning to believe that there is a potential problem with the camera.<br />I have spent about 2 weeks with Nikon tech support and they can't figure it out and just say to send it in, but I'm hesitant to not have the camera for 4-8 weeks...<br />Any other help or experiences would be appreciated...</p>

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