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Posts posted by leesa_kennedy

  1. <p>Create a blog and showcase you work. Let the Google know about your blog and promote it to different relevant sites. Google is the best place to get business. Beside local listing in Google, Yahoo and Bing will be addon. There are lots of local business and classified site where you can promoted your business.<br>


  2. <p>I have little knowledge about the website optimization (SEO). Would suggest you to change the title of your site "David Henderson Photography" and use some Keywords that people search for in Google. This will help you rank in Google, the better ranking you have the more visitors you get, more visitors means more revenue. After all Google is the best way to reach the targeted customer.<br>

    BTW, I like you site it simple and nice. Sorry to say, but the grey background (black text color) disturbed me while reading the post ;-( .<br>



    <a href="http://www.ray-lawler.com.au">Weeding Photographer Brisbane</a></p>


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