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Posts posted by jamie_clouser

  1. <p>I'm shooting my first wedding on my own next week. It's a small outdoor with the ceremony in late afternoon.<br>

    I currently have:<br>

    - <strong>Canon EOS 5D MkII</strong><br>

    - <strong>24-70mm f/2.8 L USM</strong><br>

    - <strong>50 mm f/1.4</strong><br>

    <br />I'm going to rent:<br>

    - <strong>Canon EOS 5D Mk III</strong> (Because I've been itching to try it!)<br>

    - <strong>[? lens]</strong> with higher focal length (must be valued at or under $1k due to my insurance coverage on rentals).......<br>

    Here's where I need your help. I'm thinking about 85mm 1.8. Is the 15mm difference between this and my 24-70 lens, enough to justify having both? Or, is there any other lens you would recommend renting instead? I was thinking about the 100mm 2.8 L macro for use as a telephoto and macro (for rings).<br>

    Thanks so much!</p>


  2. <p>I was recently robbed so I'm starting from scratch with both body and lens. I decided on purchasing a refurbished 5d mk ii.<br>

    Should I purchase the kit lens or body only and one good starter lens. My budget is limited and I'm just getting started with second shooting at weddings and engagements.<br>



  3. <p>I recently had my 50D stolen and I'm thinking about replacing it with a better model. Thinking about a 5D or 7D. A few things to keep in mind:<br>

    - I'm <em>just</em> getting started with photography. Looking to gain experience as a second shooter photographing kids and weddings.<br>

    - My budget is limited: I have $3500 for a new body and kit lens and possibly an additional lens (any lens suggestions would also be appreciated.)</p>

    <p>Thanks! Have a great Memorial Day.</p>

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